Enigmatic London trio Ebbb have caused a stir in London’s underground communities with their live shows. Despite being together for barely a year, the band (comprised of producer Lev Ceylan and vocalist Will Rowland, with added live drummer Scott MacDonald) have already landed on something truly singular. Fusing pulsing rhythms, immersive electronic production, sparkling melodies, layered vocal harmonies and beats that veer from ambient to industrial, the result is an idiosyncratic hybrid of sounds. One that the group describes as “Brian Wilson meets Death Grips.”

Ebbb's journey began through shared musical endeavours, fueled by mutual admiration and friendship. Rowland's exceptional vocal range, honed at Westminster Abbey Choir School, complement Ceylan's distinct compositions, pushing them to explore new creative territories. Incorporating live drums into their performances amplifies their energy, captivating audiences and solidifying their reputation as a dynamic force in London's music scene.

Ebbb exist in a constant state of duality and dichotomy, often ricocheting back and forth between pristine beauty and gut-rumbling noise; or even existing in both states simultaneously. This can be heard from the opening ‘Himmel’, a song that steadily builds from a choral-esque soundscape before a pneumatic drill-like beat enters, as Rowland’s voice glides with grace over the grinding rhythm. “That song encapsulates the two sides of the sound we have quite well”, says Rowland, describing it to be "kind of like heaven and hell.” 'Swarm', meanwhile, features a captivating groove that evolves unexpectedly into a vibrant burst of experimental pop. 

With their debut EP 'All At Once' released via Ninja Tune, Ebbb defies genre norms, inviting listeners into a world where beauty and chaos intertwine. Through relentless innovation and boundless creativity, they carve a path uniquely their own, challenging conventions and redefining contemporary music.


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